Category: Direct response

9 Reasons to Include Podcasts in your Marketing Budget

1) It’s Targetable
Podcasts give advertisers the luxury of nailing down their target audience. Podcasters have the freedom to talk about any topic. From “new moms”, “wine and good food”, “health hacks”, “fancy cars” to “wilderness survival tactics”, you can find a plethora of podcasts that will reach your perfect customer.

2) Podcasts Provide a Word of Mouth Platform
When a listener’s favorite host reads the commercial, it’s just like a friend telling them to try your product. Listeners trust the host and value their opinion. Also, many podcasters will provide added value and include your product on their website or mention you in their trusted blogs.

3) Time 
Podcasters typically are not restricted by time and when segments need to start and end. They can be as long or short as it takes. Because of this, you can get improved and nontime restricted content.

4) Podcast Listeners don’t Skip your Ads
Podcast followers are less likely to skip your ad because they are loyal and attentive to the show. Ads are typically read in the beginning, middle and sometimes end of the show. Listeners want to hear the show and often the ads are integrated in such a way that they sound like they are part of the content.

5) The “Untouchables” are Listening
Those 18-34 cord cutters and ad blockers are listening to podcasts now more than ever. The research shows that they actually listen to the ad, too.

6) You can Better Measure your ROI
The most popular way to track success are through unique checkout codes, vanity URL’s offered in the ad or a drop-down menu with a selection of sources from which they “heard the ad”. While not flawless, they offer a few easy ways to gauge how your podcasts are performing on each specific show.

7) Your Commercial is Evergreen
Most podcasts embed your commercial in their podcasts and it will be heard anytime a listener downloads the specific show you were in. Some loyal listeners listen each week to their show, but many download and save the show to listen in the future. Listeners continue to hear your commercial weeks, months and even years after your paid run. That can mean free impressions and increased results long after your schedule has ended.

8) Over 80% of Listeners can Recall your Brand
Midroll did a recall study and found that listeners:
* 80% could recall at least one advertiser in each episode
* 67% could recall a specific offer or promo
* 51% were more likely to buy the featured brand in the show

9) You can Easily Test Different Offers
Because hosts record their shows typically on a weekly basis, you can change your offer as needed each week. It’s a great platform to test new offerings and new promotions without “production” costs, if the hosts are reading your commercial in the show.

If you are ready to include podcasts in your plan this year, here’s what you should consider:
* You should plan on testing with at least $10k a month.
* Be prepared to pay cpm’s of $15 to $20 per commercial.
* You need to be open to testing different podcasts that reach your target audience.
* We suggest giving each show a minimum of 4 weeks.
* Be ready to send out your product to the host so they can try it and get familiar with it before they read your spot.
* Some hosts will be more effective at endorsing your product than others.
Bottom line, podcasts are working and brands like Audible and Blue Apron are just a few of the advertisers who have jumped on board and are realizing the great potential of podcasts. Isn’t it time that you got into the mix?
Our seasoned team at Media Partners Worldwide can help you get started.
Reach out to us at 800-579-3031 or email me at [email protected].

Quick Tips to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Campaign

Facebook is one of the most under-utilized online advertising channels, despite its popularity as a social media platform. With approximately 1.4 billion active users, it would behoove you to test the Facebook ad waters and build a proper strategy for your business.

In an attempt to help weed out all the clutter, here are some quick tips to get you started on your Facebook marketing campaign.

* Coordinate your cover photo, profile picture and pinned posts to match your call to action. If you want to maximize engagement with your marketing campaigns, try matching your copy and creative across all three.
* Use a recognizable profile picture. Since your profile picture is at the top of the page and used as your thumbnail, you want to make sure it’s something that potential customers or fans will recognize, like your logo.
* Plan your “About” section, carefully. Since a preview of your “about” section is shown beneath your profile picture, it is going to be one of the first things people see. Make sure to write relevant information about your company and include your website.

* Think about ways you can target your audience, such as by age, gender, interests or education. The more specific you are with targeting the stronger your engagement will be.
* Create original posts, but don’t overwhelm your followers by post more than a few times a day.
* Post during peak times. Websites, such as, offer analytics of the best time to post on Facebook and other social media platforms. For example, posts published between 1-4 p.m. usually have the best click-through and share rates.
* Visual content is essential to succeeding on social media. Research has a shown the use of visual content in Facebook campaigns can generate 65% more engagement after only one month.
* Facebook offers features to track your engagement with followers such as “Insights.”For example, if you are looking for page specific data, like engagement rate per post, “insights” is a great tool to utilize.
* Use tracking URLs with UTM codes to identify which posts are driving traffic and conversions to your website.
* Promote your best content, the content that you know works. You don’t have to spend precious time in the beginning completely changing your campaign. If something has worked for you before, try it again.
For more information on using Facebook ads to promote your business, visit us at www.mediapartnersworldwide.comm or call us directly:(562)439-3900

How Direct Response Can Work For Your Business

  However, if you are a small or new business, this approach is not always feasible. This brings us to the second type of marketing: Direct Response. Direct response marketing is all about giving your prospective customer a specific action, such a picking up the phone and calling for more information, following a link to a web address or joining your email list. Here are some of the main benefits of creating a direct response ad:


With direct response, you are able to keep track of what ad or which media compelled your customer to pick up the phone, visit your website or place an order. This tracking information will show you would advertisement is actually working for your business, which can save you a lot of time and money in the future.


Because you are able to measure just how effective your ad is, you can also get your hands on value information such as specific niche markets, geographic zones, and demographics based on the clicks and calls you receive. Marketing is extremely effective when it can appeal to a narrow target market.

Special Offer

Usually, direct response marketing contains a special offer decided to get prospects to engage in your call to action. It doesn’t necessarily have to sell something; it is merely a device to get more traffic to your call centers or website. The offer focuses on the prospect rather than on the advertiser. It speaks of the prospect’s interests, desires, fears, and frustrations.

Demands a Response

Instead of simply presenting information, like advertising a 50-percent off sale, direct response marketing requires the customer to respond to receive the offer. Therefore interested prospects have an easy way to respond and learn more about your products. Whether it’s calling a toll-free number to hear more information or visiting your website, your customer is obliged to respond directly to you.


Overall, direct response is the best form of advertisement when it comes to establishing a relationship with prospective customers. If you want your business to excel, there needs to be some form of connection between you and the rest of the world. You need a personal touch to make a lasting impression.   For more information on direct response and how to market your business, visit us at or give us a call at (562)439-3900.  ]]>

Mobile Marketing Media: Changing Radio Effectiveness?

As effective as radio is, there are still some obstacles in regards to consumer response. In some cases, when hearing an advertisement, potential customers can’t write down the number or remember it later. Texting laws are also limiting customer’s abilities to type on their phones while driving.

#250, a mobile speed dialing service, is providing an easier response method that is hoping to capture more leads for your advertisement. According to their website, “#250 (pound two-fifty) is a speed dial that works right now on virtually all mobile phones in the US and Canada.  Advertisers use it as a replacement for long phone numbers that consumers cannot remember when heard in Radio or TV ads.”

This form of mobile media marketing is extremely effective, as it requires simply remembering a keyword, instead of a whole slew of numbers. By punching in just 4 digits (#250) and stating the keyword mentioned in the advertisement, consumers will be directed right to the business’ call center, website or retail page.  It is also Bluetooth friendly, so you can say the keyword and are connected immediately. Hands free, being the safest driving option, is a huge part of #250’s campaign.

So far, the response has been excellent.

KC Campbell, Western Region Affiliate, said that “clients in LA have seen as much as an 86% increase in their calls in the first month.” Some companies have had to staff up to handle the call volume.

Businesses can choose their own keywords as well. This factor is “unique to each individual client,” said Campbell. So instead of hearing an ad on TV or radio that prompts you to call “1-800-GET-THIN,” customers simply dial #250 and say the keyword “Get Thin.”

And as far as performance tracking, they have that covered too.

“We can see we got “x” amount of calls and there is empirical proof of it because we have the numbers and times that these calls went through.” This allows data to be very specific, as you can see the duration of the call or if a text message was accepted.

Mobile marketing media, like #250, has a great possibility of making radio work more efficiently. With more response options and an easier method of remembering your product, consumers will most likely be responding faster and in greater volumes.

That is the main goal, anyway.

DR Solutions at Natural Products Expo West

By Clint Gearheart and David Alpern Media Partners Worldwide is attending this weekend the largest event in the organic and natural products marketplace, Natural Products Expo West. Expo WestHeld each year in Anaheim, the event hosts more than 3,000 companies and 70,000 attendees. The natural products industry is experiencing growth of 9% per year, driven in part by new and emerging brands. This year there are more than 600 entrepreneurial exhibitors, many of whom have yet to understand how direct response (DR) advertising plays a key role for nutraceutical products. Nutraceuticals, all natural products and homeopathic solutions have been using direct to consumer marketing channels successfully for many years. One reason is there are many emotional problems that can be solved. A ‘natural’ component that helps DR work is the ability to create emotion around a product or solution. Another reason is continuity products are the gift that keeps on giving in DR.  The demo for many of these products and solutions are huge allowing for many remnant DR strategies to work in a scalable fashion driving profitable bottom lines.  Another is lots of these products work very well online and offline creating diverse long term DR marketing strategies and outcomes. If you are attending Expo West and wish to discuss how your product can benefit from a media plan that spurs prospective consumers into buyers, then we would love to meet up with you there. Attending is our agency CEO, Natalie Hale, and our Chief Revenue Officer, Clint Gearheart.]]>

Direct Response Writing for Success

Writing for Direct Response requires a different approach as compared with regular retail radio advertising that focuses on developing a brand and image. While some of the same key approaches are required for any successful radio campaign, here are some of the essential elements a direct response radio script needs:

  • Speak to the heart of the listener with a clear purpose to solve their problem. From the start, your commercial needs to be about the listener, not the product. How does your product or service provide benefit to them – their needs and desires
  • Present the unique benefits of your product in relation to how it solves the listener’s problem. You may have a product that is similar to your competitor’s, thus you must present a compelling unique characteristic that sets you apart. You can focus attention on a characteristic or benefit that your competitor is not talking about. Competing products may be quite similar, thus the advertiser who communicates a unique benefit will set themselves apart
  • Include a strong offer: A special limited time free trial, discount, risk free incentive, or low introductory price. You must communicate the idea that if people do not respond to your offer immediately, they will pay too much later or miss out. The stronger the offer, the stronger the appeal of your direct response radio copy, and the greater the response you will see
  • Refer back to the benefits of the product later on in the script after drawing in the listener on a personal level after stating the offer.  Repeat the offer in the CTA (Call to Action)
  • Your Call to Action should be focused. A phone number repeated, or a website.  Not both.  Don’t give listeners an option to call or go to a website. The result will be fewer responses.  Listeners should only be given one clear call to act
  • Consider using Vanity 800 numbers and URLs
It’s that simple. Is your message and offer compelling enough for the listener to stop what they are doing and call you now? So, start thinking about what your company is, who you are trying to reach, what gives you an edge, what is your incentive – and then give us a call and we can put together a direct response media campaign structured to succeed!]]>