Predicted Consumer Trends that Will Endure Through COVID19

By Natalie Hale, CEO Media Partners Worldwide

Covid 19 has quickly changed our lives and as we emerge and try to get back to normalcy, a lot of the adaptions forced on us will continue and be our new norm.

  • Consumers will stick closer to home. Less foreign travel predicted, at least for the next year and more short trips to National parks, local casinos and short getaways with less noise and people will be preferred. The popularity of road trips and the sale and rentals of RVs will continue to trend up.
  • Voice control technology use growing. Virtual assistants, like Amazon. Com and Alexa have a new draw, as voice control technology limits the need to touch a surface so much. In this case, safety has shifted to be more important than privacy.


  • Online learning will increase. As younger generations worry about their future, e learning rises. This generation will work to increase their skills and becoming more competitive in the job market. In addition, there will be more parents opting for online schooling versus traditional classrooms. This is a huge opportunity for e-learning companies and new players in online courses.
  • DIY gains ground. The new interest in baking, cooking, sewing, and painting are not expected to disappear with the virus. Plus, more people are opting to remodel and fix their own house. More consumers have gained confidence in learning from Utube videos, podcasts or TV shows and it has made people more self- reliant.
  • More comfort in digital offerings. If consumers were not comfortable with ordering groceries digitally, they have had to embrace it, with more people buying most everything they need online. Online banking has increased and more doctors and medical providers are offering camera sessions for non emergency situations. A trend that is sure to continue.


  • Flexible and modified work arrangements. With so many people getting used to the convenience of working from home, the shift to more flexible work arrangements will continue, as employers realize it’s not necessary to have everyone work full time in the office to get things done. Zoom Calls have replaced meetings and decisions are being made quicker with less bureaucracy. This new workplace means more time and money for many workers. Time

is saved not commuting and allows employees to save money on childcare, maintenance and fuel for vehicles, work clothes, dry cleaning, etc. Giving more time to cook meals and do it your self projects around the house.

What this means for your media buys is that more people will have more time in front of the TV watching their favorite shows and movies, more time in front of the computer engaging in social media, including Facebook, Linked in and Next Door or at home listening and steaming radio and podcasts.